Conseling Office

Duties of Counseling office

Huang,Shi Jia
Management and coordination of all counseling affairs at Wenhua
Guidance and Counseling Section Chief
Yang, Hui-Jing
Management of student counseling and consulting matters
Planning of parent-child education
Organization of activities related to gender education, life education and prevention of domestic violence
Analysis of special students’ cases and counseling affairs
Data Section Chief
Yeh, Ru-Jing
Collection, analysis, and storage of students' counseling records
Organization of student assessments, including intelligence quotient tests and aptitude tests
Assistance in allocation of special students
Collection, storage and provision of counseling teaching aids
Special Education Section Chief
Wang,YI Ren
Supervision of the planning and implementation of Individualized Education Plan for students in special education classroom
Assignation of mentally or physically disabled students to proper classrooms
Facilitation of special students' parent-child relationship education
Management of special education activities
Organization of special education teaching aids
Special Education Teachers
Liao,Rui Zhang

Hsiao, Hsin-Yi

Assistance to mentally or physically disabled students
Implementation of Individualized Education Plan
Assistance to teachers with special students
Organization of IEP meetings
Gifted Education Teachers
Wu,Wen Ren

Chen,Yu Jie

Assistance to gifted students
Implementation of Individualized gifted Education Plan
Assistance to teachers with gifted students
Organization of IGP meetings